Programme Coordinator

The Secretary General has deployed a team of highly experienced and dedicated professionals in the Secretariat Office for assisting him to undertake the various programmes of the ISC.
Padmanav Nayak
Has got Master degree in Sericulture Technologies and Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. Rendered his services for seven years in reputed NGOs and donor agencies in the field of Rural Development and Livelihood Promotion through Natural Resource Management, Sericulture Promotion, Dryland Agriculture Development, Watershed Management, Community Institution Building, etc. Since last 8 years working as a Technical Official in Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India the Central Agency for Development of Sericulture and Silk Industry in India. Looks after the works in the ISC HQs in the areas of; International collaboration, coordination with Member Countries, Associate Members, Ambassadors, Non-Member Countries, International and Regional agencies, organization of meetings, visit of Secretary General and visit of foreign delegates to ISC office, Technical issues, Administrative and Financial matters of ISC, and rolling out the Plan of Action conceived by the Secretary General and the decisions of the Executive Committee and the Conference.
The areas of expertise are;
- Planning Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation (PIME) of Developmental Programmes.
- Promotion of developmental activities through Community Based Organizations.
- Formulation of Project proposals.
- Impact monitoring of different developmental programmes as per OVIs.
- Implementation of international funded projects like GAA, SDC, SIDA, SCIAF, etc. in a participatory approach.
- Micro Enterprise Development and Management, IGA and IGPs.
- Accounts and financial management.
- Organization of training for different stakeholders.
- PRA for Community based PIME.
- A trainer in the aspects of Rural Development, PIME, HRM and Community Institution Building, Sericulture, Organic Farming, etc.