
a) Books, Journals, etc
ISC publishes its only scientific journal for sericultural science named as “Sericologia”.
For more details, please visit the link – SERICOLOGIA
ISC has also been involved in the publication of many books and magazines on sericulture and silk industry. The manual on Sericulture and Silk Industry published by FAO is considered as the most authentic reference manual in sericulture and silk industry. ISC has contributed significantly for preparing the contents of the Manual.
ISC is pleased to detail below the following Publications from different countries for reference:
(i) For the books on silk industry published by India, please visit
Interested persons may directly contact the publishers for procuring the books.
For procuring the publications from India, ISC is pleased to support interested parties/agencies.
b) Video Films on Sericulture and Silk Industry
(i) For the video films on silk industry released by India, please visit