27th Conference of ISC held during 10-12 October 2024 at Bucharest, Romania

Exposure visit on Chinese Silk Industry 25 May- 6 June 2024

Training on Post Cocoon Technology at CSTRI Bangalore during 5th Nov to 2nd Dec 2023

Executive Committee meeting of ISC at Hangzhou, China on 28 May 2024

Training on Sericulture and Silk Industry at CSR&TI, Mysore during 3rd to 30th September 2023

Plenary Session of 26th ISC Congress, Cluj Napoca, Romania

26th ISC Congress held at Cluj-Napoca, Romania during 7-11 September 2022

Louis Pasteur and ESS Awardees 2022

Release of Book on Chronicles of Silk

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The ISC delegates visited the sericulture activities of QSDS, Govt. of Thailand and the corporate sericulture model promoted by M/s Chul Thai Silk during 20-29 May 2023. The contract farming and organic silk production model of M/s Chul Thai Silk company was really impressive.

ISC facilitated the visit of Mr. Mohammad Ashraful Alam, Aarong & Sericulture Enterprise, BRAC and Mr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, BRAC, Bangladesh to M/s Gajalaxmi Engineering Works and CSTRI, Bangalore.

A four weeks training on “Sericulture and Silk Industry” was held at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore during 3-30 September, 2023. The training was fully sponsored under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme of Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. 28 officials from 13 countries participated in the training.

The Executive Committee (EC) meeting of International Sericultural Commission (ISC) for the year 2022 was held at Pattaya, Thailand on 21 May 2023 . The EC has approved the budget for the 2022 and also the plan of activities. Apart from the procedural approvals, the EC appreciated the effort of ISC for bringing out the book "The Chronicles of Silk".

ISC is a founder member of the global imitative namely “Natural Fibre Coalition”, initiated by International Wool Textile Organization (IWTO) and partnered by organizations of natural fibre industry. The main purpose of the coalition is to campaign with the European Union for including special qualities of natural fibres in the Product Environment Footprint (PEF) methodologies of EU.

Silk Products

Silk has been intermingled with the life and culture of many civilizations in the world.  The silk garments are among the living examples of the excellent craftsmanship of the weavers.

Message from Secretary General

Mr. P. Sivakumar
"It is my pleasure to inform all of you that I have assumed the charge of Secretary General of International Sericultural Commission.....


Louis Pasteur & ESS Award

Louis Paseture Award
To have achived something very significant n sericulture in one's country or internationally.


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