
Sericulture and Silk Industry is a combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and textile industry. The success of silk industry greatly depends upon the availability of experienced and skilled manpower in the interfacing institutions and agencies closely associated with the stakeholders of silk value chain. The production process needs to go through a chain of inter-related activities which need to be synchronized by adopting appropriate management techniques. These factors are all the more important when the industry needs to be introduced in new areas.
Keeping these factors in mind, the International Sericultural Commission has maintained a pool of highly experienced and talented international consultants on Sericulture and Silk Industry drafted from different parts of the world. These consultants belongs to different disciplines of the industry, who are highly experienced, skilled and ready to take up international assignments in any parts of the world.
Terms and conditions for deploying the Consultants:
- The International Sericultural Commission reserve the right to choose and depute suitable experts after negotiating on the rate and other conditions with the parties concerned,
- An agreement shall be signed between ISC and parties concerned on the various terms and conditions of the assignment,
- The cost of consultancy shall include; consultancy fee in line with the experience and expertise of the expert, international travel, boarding, lodging, medical insurance, and contingency expenses, etc.
- The amount shall be paid to the ISC; full cost of international travel, medical, and insurance before leaving to the designated country, and remaining cost mutually agreed on a case-to-case basis.
- ISC shall ensure that the consultant shall comply the tasks entrusted as per the agreement.
Are you interested ?
Interested countries/agencies desiring to avail consultancy services may contact ISC.